Page 4 - Climate Conference - EBook 2023: Al-Qasemi Academy
P. 4

Conference Program

                                  First Day  -12.3.2023  Legacy Hotel-Nazareth
                         Greetings and opening remarks

        17:00-19:00      A musical cultural event
                                   Second Day -13.3.2023 (Al-Qasemi Academic College)
                         Registration and assembly

       08:30- 09:00      Greetings:
       09:00- 09:30      Attorney Afeef Abu Toamah - Chairman of the Board of Directors
                          of Al Qasemi Academy
                         Prof. Anwar Rayan - President of Al-Qasemi Academic College
                         Ms. Cecilia Attard Pirotta - The Ambassador of Malta
                         A representative from the ministry of regional cooperation

                                                 Morning session
                         Subject of the session: Climate Change: Public Awareness & Policy
                         Session Chairs: Dr. Mai Anabosi-Atamna; Prof. Rassem Khamaisi
        09:30-12:00      main lecture: Prof. Rassem Khamaisi - Urban Planning on The Shadow of
                         Climate Changes
                         Lecture 2:Dr. Asi Ibrahim - Use of Recycled Asphalt in Roads Construction:
                         Laboratory Performance and Environmental and Cost Impacts
                          Lecture 3: Dr. Meital Peleg Mizrachi - Killer sale - Fashion, Climate and Society

                          lecture 4: Prof. Maoz Fine - Safeguarding the Resilient Coral Reefs of the
                         Northern Red Sea: The Urgent Need for Regional and National Conservation
                          lecture 5: Mr. Noam Winer - The Sun Triangle: Sustainability Powered by The
                         Middle East
                         Lecture 6: Mr. Shareef Masarwe -Climate Change & Society: Building
                         Community Resilience

        12:30-13:30      poster exhibition
        12:00-13:00      Lunch
        13:30-16:00                             Afternoon session
                         Subject of the session:  Climate change and environmental stresses
                         Session Chairs: Dr. Sare Asli
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