Page 6 - Climate Conference - EBook 2023: Al-Qasemi Academy
P. 6

Lecture 3: Mr. Shafea Al-Gamal - Climate change education in the traditional
                        agricultural Arab society.
                        Lecture 4: Prof. Franz Rauch - Professional Development for Education for
                        Sustainable Development

                        Lecture 5: Prof. İbrahim Delen - Creating Design-Based Applications
                        Supporting Sustainability in Teacher Education Programs
                        Lecture 6: Dr. Fatma Özüdoğru - Comparing Turkish 2015 Environmental
                        Education and 2022 Environmental Education and Climate Change
                        Lecture 7: Prof. Muhamad Hugerat- Developing climate change awareness
                        among science teachers using social media spaces

                        Lecture 8: Dr. Awny Masarwi - Concepts of environmental
                         awareness in the Islamic education curriculum of Arab secondary schools
                        in Israel

       09:00- 09:30                          Fourth Day-15.3.2023
       09:30-12:00      Registration and assembly
                        workshop: Drugs and the environment(chair: Prof. Amiram Goldblum)
                        Prof. Anwar Rayan- Widening therapeutic window of approved drugs by
                        intelligent design
                        Prof. Amiram Goldblum - Replacing “one disease - one target – one drug” by
                        “one disease – few targets – one drug”
                        Prof. Hanoch Senderowitz - Selection of Screening Libraries
                        Dr. Amit Michaeli- The Application of Reinforcement Learning for
                        Peptidomimetic Macrocycle Discovery and Optimization
                        Dr. Mizied Falah - Cellular cross-talks as a potential candidate for cancer
                        Dr.-Ing. Ziyad Abdallah- Plant Lectins as agents and markers in medicinal
                        applications, diagnosis and therapy
                        Eng. Mohamad Abo Nada- Business entrepreneurship between scientific
                        research intended to produce knowledge and research intended for business
                        Prof. Mouhamed Zeidan; Dean of the Faculty of Science; Al-Qasemi
                        Academic College
       12:00-13:00      Dr. Nir Shahaf; Department of Plant Sciences; Weizmann Institute of Science
       13:30-15:00      lunch
                        Awards Ceremony
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