Page 44 - Climate Conference - EBook 2023: Al-Qasemi Academy
P. 44

Biography:  Fatma Özüdoğru, Ph.D., is currently an  associate professor in the Department  of
      Educational Sciences, Faculty of Education at Usak University, Usak, Türkiye. She completed her
      B.A. in Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Education, Department of English Language
      Teaching in 2006. In 2016, she earned her Ph.D. degree in Curriculum and Instruction from
      Anadolu University. Before joining Faculty of Education in 2018, she spent 12 years teaching
      foreign language courses to undergraduate students at Usak University. Since 2018, she has been
      teaching undergraduate and graduate courses in the field of curriculum and instruction at the
      same university. She has published several research articles on foreign language curricula and
      teaching, online learning, and curriculum evaluation.
      • Tel. Number: +905054572310
      • Category: Oral presentation
      • Research Interest: Curriculum evaluation, online learning and teaching, teacher education,
      design-based practices, and design-based research.
      Commercial urban agriculture is part of the solution (up to 10% produce). We can prepare as
      • Dealing with water prices and municipal rates and taxes in urban areas.
      • Supporting research for the development of a variety of crops and cultivation methods suitable
      for the city.
      • Joining up with planning and construction processes for statutory planning.
      • Mapping potential areas in the city and their suitability for agriculture. Note that there may be
      competition for solar panel areas on roofs and for other areas such as parking spaces.
      • Adjusting the financial support tools for urban agriculture
      • Creating a dedicated extension system
      • Promotion and public relations
      • Constructing closed buildings in new urban planning
      • Promoting cooperation with rural farmers (mainly in spice crops)
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