Page 34 - Climate Conference - EBook 2023: Al-Qasemi Academy
P. 34

Systemic effort to meet the challenge of
                                        climate change education in Israel.
                                                    Prof. Tali Tal

                                    The Dean of the Faculty of Education in Science and
                                              Technology of the Technion

      Climate  change is  the main  challenge humanity  faces, regardless of continents  and
      countries. Climate change education is one vehicle for introducing behavioral changes in
      the public, policy, and private spheres. However, despite calls to introduce climate change
      education, in most countries there is little systematic effort to introduce climate change to
      the curriculum and force the education system to include it in all stages of schooling. In my
      talk, I will describe how a voluntary effort of a group of scientists was adopted by the Israeli
      Ministry  of Education  and  how curriculum  guidelines  were collaboratively  developed,
      leading  to a declaration  on compulsory teaching about climate  change since the
      2022–2023 school year. This curriculum  development is followed by diverse teacher
      professional programs, developed by both formal and informal education institutes. These
      interventions have already  been  studied  to provide up-to-date evidence about their
      outcomes and effectiveness.
      Professor Tali Tal is the Dean of the Faculty of Education in Science and Technology of the
      Technion,  Israel Institute  of  Technology  and  Past-President  of  NARST a Global
      Organization  for Improving Science Education  through Research. She is  the PI  of the
      National Teacher Center of Environmental Education and Sustainability Education and she
      is a member of the Climate Change steering committee of the Ministry of Education. Tal is
      interested in bridging formal and informal science education, in teaching science through
      inquiry  and  in using socioscientific issues  to teach about the complex relationships
      between science, the environment and society. Recently, she is involved in citizen science
      as a form of participatory science.
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