Page 31 - Climate Conference - EBook 2023: Al-Qasemi Academy
P. 31

Biography: Cell-phone number: (972) 50 – 6241535
      Email address: avigailh@
      [email protected]
      1992 - M.Sc. in Agriculture, Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Graduated with distinction).
      Thesis: "Introduction and developing of Coleonema aspalathoides as a Flowering Pot Plant". The
      thesis was led by the late Professor Abraham H. Halevy and the late Professor Amihud Borochov.
      1988 –  B.Sc from the Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food  and  Environment, Hebrew
      University of Jerusalem.
      Current Position:
      Head of the Botanical Gardens and Urban Agriculture Branch, Forest and Trees Department, Ministry
      of Agriculture and Rural Development, State of Israel. In this capacity, my duties and responsibilities
      1. Botanical Gardens: A member of  the Botanical Gardens Council; Professional Director of  the
      Botanical Gardens Council, a member of the Botanical Gardens support committee in charge of
      financial support decisions regarding submitted proposals, Chairman of the professional Botanical
      Gardens Committee,
      2. Community and Allotment Gardens: Chairman of the Community & Allotment Gardens committee;
      Chairman of Community and Allotment Gardens proposal support committee in charge of financial
      support decisions regarding submitted proposals.
      3.  Urban Agriculture: Director  on the Urban  Agriculture  Committee,  which  is an inter-ministerial
      steering committee.
      4. Urban Forest:  A  member of official  Forest  Committees. Write practical  guidance to the
      professional workers at the municipalities and local councils.
      5. Green Roofs: Chairman of Green Roofs Professional support committee, in charge of financial
      support decisions regarding submitted proposals.
      6. Lead author of the List of Ornamental Plants in Israel.
      7. Write professional articles, booklets, factsheets and directives about Urban Agriculture, Urban
      Forests, Botanical Gardens, Community & Allotment Gardens and Green Roofs. These directives are
      designed and intended for municipalities and local councils.
      8. Lecturer at conventions and courses about Urban Agriculture, Urban Forest, Botanical Gardens,
      Community & Allotment Gardens and Green Roofs.
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