Page 27 - Climate Conference - EBook 2023: Al-Qasemi Academy
P. 27

Organization (ARO), the Volcani Institute. He served as Head, the Department of Virology,
      Head,  Institute of  Plant Protection. Since 2016, he served as the  Director of  the Plant
      Protection and  Inspection Services (PPIS), The  Ministry of  Agriculture and  Rural
      Development. He  served as  the Acting  Director of the (ARO), Volcani  Institute
      (June-December,  2016),  and  the Acting Chief  Scientist, The  Ministry of  Agriculture and
      Rural Development (2019-2021), Since 2000, Abed served as a Professor at the Faculty of
      Agriculture, The Hebrew University and at the Department of Botany, (TU). He worked as an
      Interviewer and scientific advisor of a TV program, the national Israeli TV.
      Abed was a member of the professional committee for scientist's promotion in the ARO,
      and a member of steering and evaluation committees, a board member of the Fund for the
      Development of Technological Education in the Arab Sector in Israel, the R&D Regional
      Center “Hamsholash”,  and  the Association  for  the Advancement  of Equal  Opportunity
      “Sikuy”. Abed is the former President of the International Working Group of Virus Diseases
      of  Ornamental  Crops.  He was  the Head  of  Multinational  Agricultural Research  and
      Development (MARD)  and  Chairman  of  MARD Steering  and  Scientific Committees.  He
      served as the Secretary and President of the Israeli Society of Phytopathology, a board
      member of several  organizations.  He  is  a member and  the Chairperson of US-Israel
      Binational Agricultural Research and Development (BARD) Fund Board of Directors.

      Abed served as the head of the national committee for food security and safety. He was
      the organizer and convener of ~ 50 national and international symposia and meetings, and
      contributed ~100 presentations.
      Aside from his fundamental contributions to the basic science, he has been instrumental in
      the studying natural resistance mechanism against plant viruses, the development and
      application of serological and molecular techniques for rapid diagnosis of plant virus and
      phytoplasma diseases. He developed practices and
      methodologies  to  obtain and  produce high  quality  virus-free  propagation material  of
      horticultural and floricultural crops.

      Abed was nominated as the Acting Director of the (ARO), Volcani Institute since December,
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