Page 26 - Climate Conference - EBook 2023: Al-Qasemi Academy
P. 26

Agricultural Research Challenges and Food
                                       Security: A threat or an opportunity?
                                                  Prof. Abed Gera

                                      Formed Director, PPIS, ARO, and Chief Scientist,
                                                 Ministry of Agriculture

      The main challenges of agricultural research and development are the supply of fresh
      food products all year, ensuring a decent income for the farming community; increasing
      exports of agricultural products; increasing production and income of farmers; developing
      and adapting crops and technologies without polluting the environment, and maximize
      the efficient use of the limited water resources. These goals require the development of
      new products and cultivars, improvement of food quality and safety, functional food,
      integrated pest management (IPM), precision agriculture, and farming efficiency, with
      .agricultural technologies friendly to the environment
      Every year, cascading weather events, wars, and natural disasters, such as hurricanes,
      floods, fires, earthquakes, and tornadoes, challenge agricultural production.  Because
      agriculture relies on the weather, climate, and water availability to thrive, it is easily
      impacted by natural events and disasters. Agricultural impacts from natural events and
      disasters most commonly include: Contamination of water bodies, loss of harvest or
      livestock, eased susceptibility to disease, and destruction of irrigation systems and other
      agricultural infrastructure. These impacts can have long-lasting effects on agricultural
      production including crops, forest growth, and arable lands, which require time to mature.
      While the agricultural land might be severely affected, agriculture labor, inputs, markets,
      and infrastructures such as irrigation systems and drainage canals may have incurred
      damages. As a result, the output of this sector is likely, anticipated to drop significantly
      leading to potential food security problems. These challenges require a permanent effort
      to innovate with new technologies, new products, and better storage technologies to
      .prevent food losses, and a new paradigm of agriculture practices is needed

      Major achievements, including improved technologies, increase in productivity with a
      reduced input of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, integrated/diversified smart farming,
      sustainable intensification, vertical farming, hydroponics, and the toolbox for creativity
      and innovation in agricultural research and development will be discussed
      Biography: Born in Israel (1955), graduated from Tel-Aviv University (TU) and earned a
      Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D), and M.D., Sackler School of Medicine, TU. Since 1985, he
      worked as a senior scientist Grade A+ of the Scientific Civil Service (Equivalent to full
      professor) at the Department of Plant Virology, The Institute of Plant Protection,
      Agricultural Research
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