Page 28 - Climate Conference - EBook 2023: Al-Qasemi Academy
P. 28

Impact of climate change food production and
                                   solutions for climate-smart agriculture
                                              Dr. Gidon Toperoff

                           Subject Matter Specialist for Sustainable Agriculture and Adaptation
                             to Climate Change at the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs

     Agro-ecology unit in the Agriculture Extension Service, Ministry of Agriculture
     Background: Our local agriculture has found a way to prosper in arid to semi-arid conditions, through
     increased water-use efficiency, increased land-production efficiency, using protected plant crops, and
     climate-controlled livestock husbandry. However, the escalating nature of climate change is expected to
     introduce exceptional challenges and requires adaptation. Identification of the present and future threats
     and opportunities is a strategic need to allow food security and the preservation of agriculture. The main
     emphasis is on adaptation, rather than on the mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions.
     In the Ministry of Agriculture, adaptation to climate change is an ongoing process over decades involving
     many different ministry units:
     • Research & development – continued development in various fields including efficient use of irrigation
     water, improved efficiency from each hectare of land, breading for climate-resilient crop cultivars and
     animal breeds, plant and ani
     • mal-protection strategies, efficient energy use, climate-controlled measures for protected agricultural
     production and more.
     • Soil conservation management – promotion of sustainable soil management practices for crops, use of
     cover crops in horticulture, via support for farmer investments and  funding research and  extension
     •  Insurance fund  for  natural  risks  in  agriculture  –  KANAT – the ministry subsidizes farmers'  fund
     payments towards insurance against product loss due to natural causes.
     • Israel Plant Gene Bank – conservation of plant species indigenous to Israel. This genetic resource is an
     essential infrastructure to allow future breeding of cultivars resilient to climate change
     • Agriculture-focused climate change indices a joint effort with the Israel meteorological service (IMS).
     Mapping agricultural risks resulting from climate change requires relevant spatial and  temporal
     resolution. It also requires an understanding  of  the specific sensitivities  of  each  agricultural
     industry/sector to climate change. In collaboration with climate experts, growers, researchers and
     extension officers we defined more than 50 climate change indices relevant to Israel agriculture. For
     example, the annual number of warm days above 34oC, the highest annual number of consecutive dry
     days, etc.
     First, IMS underwent extensive data correction and homogenization of past measurements, as well as
     careful examination and assembly of relevant climate models.
     Next, they are quantitatively assessing climate changes both past (1950-2016) and future projections
     from models (2005-2050) using agriculture-relevant indices. This is an ongoing effort that began during
     2017 and is expected to culminate during 2020.
     • Risk and opportunity assessment – based on climatic assessments, we are using models to quantify
     the physical and economic impacts for various agricultural products.
     • National climate change adaptation committee the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development takes
     part in the inter-government committee for climate change adaptation. Our roles in the government are
     defined as:
     o   Assessing climate change risks and opportunities for agriculture.
     o   Promoting current and  future measures used  to build  climate-resilient  agriculture including
     climate-smart practices  in  plant  and animal production, preservation  of  water,  soil and environment
     resources, integrative management of water runoff, preservation and conservation of genetic variation
     and biodiversity, and response to new plant and animal pests and diseases’ challenges arising  from
     climate change
     o   Continued promotion of research and development of climate-smart agriculture
     o   Adaptation of forest management practices to a changing climate and extreme weather. Promoting
     ecological grazing to reduce the risks of forest fires, and urban forests to mitigate the effects of climate
     change on the urban population
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