Page 29 - Climate Conference - EBook 2023: Al-Qasemi Academy
P. 29

Biography: Curriculum Vitae: Gidon Toperoff, PhD
      Telephone: 052-3115271 ID: 038407318 Year of birth: 1976

      E-mail: [email protected] Address: 34 Rashbag st., Jerusalem, 9330282
      Professional experience
      2014-current: Subject  Matter Specialist  for Sustainable Agriculture  and  Adaptation to Climate
      Change at the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs member of a team in charge of developing
      knowledge, informing policy makers and training farmers towards sustainable agricultural practices
      and climate-smart agriculture. Focusing on climate change and sustainable diets. I coordinate the
      ministry task force for risk assessment, adaptation and mitigation of climate change implications for
      Israel agriculture. Intra-governmental Processes I am the ministry co-delegate to the National
      Climate Change Adaptation Committee and the National Greenhouse Gasses Reduction Committee,
      led by the Ministry for Environmental Protection.
      2013-2014: Scientific-advisor to the Ministry of Agriculture through the MIMSHAK program of the
      Israel Society of  Ecology and Environmental Sciences Advisor to head of  the Agro-Ecology
      Department over issues of climate change adaptation, pesticide reduction, agricultural waste policy,
      and pollutants from the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industry in treated waste water.

      2008-2013: PhD candidate, Hebrew University. Research on epigenetic mechanisms of complex
      diseases using genomic and bioinformatics tools. Lab manager.
      2007: Life Sciences, Hebrew University. Brain imaging research technician (functional MRI), lab of
      Ehud Zohari.
      2008 – 2013 PhD: Hadassah Hebrew University Medical Center, Department of Developmental
      Biology and Cancer Research.
      2004-2007: M.Sc. in Pharmacology, Hadassah Hebrew University Medical Center, School of
      Pharmacy, Pharmacology department.

      2001-2003: B.Sc. in Biology, Computers and  Psychology, Bar-Ilan University excellence
      inter-disciplinary program in Brain Sciences. Magna cum laude.
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